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China's mining to the green transformation

by:KKR Solid Surface     2020-09-24
The western mountains LuanChuanZeng 'selling mine' for a long time, rich boss, destroyed ecological, bitter people, black money becomes hot, bare mountain heart increasingly, transformation development is imperative. The western mountains LuanChuanZeng 'selling mine' for a long time, rich boss, destroyed ecological, bitter people, black money becomes hot, bare mountain heart increasingly, transformation development is imperative. Luanchuan molybdenum in China, has proven reserves of molybdenum Asia the first white tungsten reserves the second, molybdenum tungsten CaiXuanYe is a pillar industry for a long time. 'Mining once wild growth, blossom everywhere, in the 1990 s, there were thousands of small mines, small mill plant. 'In charge of environmental protection work of luanchuan county Wang Chong said, deputy director of the tourism industry cluster areas GongKuangYe not dry, serious damage to the environment, but disordered mining management is imminent. Luanchuan GongKuangYe governance focuses on resources integration. Since 2008, more than 180 small mining enterprises are integrated to los molybdenum group 5 companies, such as the implementation of 'who benefits, who management, who destroy, who governance'. Mineral development, mine dust, smelting ore dressing wastewater, waste gas are the main sources of pollution. In recent years, China's second largest molybdenum production shangluo molybdenum group completed more than 140 environmental protection projects, improve technology, updating equipment, reduce dust pollution, realize the production water recycling, do ultra low exhaust emissions. The enterprise also invested more than 200 million yuan 'still old scores', restore vegetation in mines more than 1. 43 million square meters, become a national green mining pilot unit. Li Faben molybdenum group general manager said, environmental protection and benefit, from white tungsten molybdenum tailings recovery of low grade, not only reduce waste emissions, also make the company become the world's largest producer of tungsten. Resource integration, luanchuan 292 'messy' enterprises, and list the negative list, the party's ban on new small hydropower, rafting 7 classes such as destruction of ecological project. In recent years, luanchuan molybdenum smelting enterprises sulfur dioxide emissions a year 2. More than 70000 tons, complete the mine ecological management 76. An area of 770000 square meters, 91 tailings vegetation restoration. 355. 50000 square meters. Currently, luanchuan three surface water exit section water quality more than 90% success rate, ambient air quality days stay in more than 320 days, 'ecological county' luanchuan consensus. From the 'black' luanchuan industrialization of economy to 'green' green water castle peak forest coverage rate of 82. 4%, tourist resources unique, 'ecological industry, ecological industrialization' is the development direction of luanchuan look. Good more than 10 years ago, molybdenum industry, tourism development is struggling, luanchuan put forward 'industrial feedback tourism', 'ecological' industrialization of a breakthrough. In the south of north of luanchuan molybdenum open Yang Zhi sen back to their hometown laojun mountain, want to 'set of beishan money development comely nanshan'. Take over laojun mountain, the scenic spot has owed $14 million in debt, Yang Zhi sen will earn 1. 3 billion yuan into the scenic spot of mining development. 2007, laojun mountain tickets income is only 300000 yuan, in 2018, laojun mountain has become a revenue of 1. 3. 5 billion yuan of popular scenic spot. Yang Zhi, drive a batch of mine owners transformation. Today, in luanchuan tourism investment exceeds one hundred million yuan of 13 entrepreneurs, there are 11 was mine owners. 'In recent years, the project for the construction of luanchuan 80% related to tourism. 'Foot of luanchuan county wei secretary Dong Bing said, only 2016 to 2018, luanchuan can implement tourism project 81, a total investment of 120. 0. 5 billion yuan, total 17. 8 km of river system construction, become luanchuan dazzling tourist products free of charge. At present, luanchuan has built two 5 a-class scenic area and six 4 a grade scenic spot. In 2018, nearly 15 million people an luanchuan, tourism revenue reached 87. 400 million yuan. Through the 'brand + enterprise + peasant household' mode, luanchuan development of six categories of 81 high quality agricultural products, drive the employment income more than 20000 people. Luanchuan is building and tungsten molybdenum materials and tourism as the leading factor, modern traditional Chinese medicine as an emerging, featuring characteristic agriculture, health preservation of modern industrial system. From the industry structing to tourism development of enriching people sharing the lion's share of the GDP and fiscal revenue in the south of luanchuan is from the industry. In 2008, 17 of luanchuan fiscal revenue. 700 million yuan, third in henan province, but the per capita net income of farmers 3755 yuan only, far below the average level in henan. Tourism, industry structing enriching people, achievement sharing. 'Foot of Dong Bing said,' to let the green industry benefit farmers, we from the involved in the construction of scenic spots to push global travel. 'Two years ago, TaoWan town of heart village villagers left new home built farm hotel, have never thought a year to raise nearly 100000 yuan. 'Peak season also employing 3, 4 individuals, they also can earn 70 dollars a day. 'Said left the new paint. Heart association, village in the south ditch has four administrative villages, once funding, nearly 1/5 of more than 1500 households, more than 6700 people are archived tent card is poor. Since 2015, rural leisure rise here, ground of bicycle lanes, hiking trails and other facilities, just three years, more than 150 rural and peasant hotel opened in the valley. Relying on rural tourism, 315 poor households, 1204 people out of poverty. To promote the 'black' feedback 'green', in the past two years, luanchuan took out more than 3500 ten thousand yuan of fiscal funds, two high-speed toll free tourism poverty alleviation activities, a total of more than 260 person-times of tourists, tourism integrated income 17. 500 million yuan, promote the development of achievements sharing. At present, 13 of luanchuan 15 villages and towns is in the scenic area, tourist industry accumulated about 160000 people in employment income. 'Global tourism luanchuan sharing development and win the all important industry out of poverty. 'The foot of Dong Bing said. Since 2016, a total of 1. More than 20000 poor people with the aid of tourism poverty alleviation, accounted for 32% of the county's poor.
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