KKR Solid Surface - Custom solid surface manufacturer & acrylic solid surface sheet factory over 19 years

What about industry position of KKR Stone?
Dongguan KKR Stone Industry Co., Ltd. is one of the top KKR Stone Industry Company suppliers in China and is striving to become a strong brand in the world. Our brand is committed to providing the highest quality products for our customers and providing a wide range of recognized services worldwide. By insisting on providing the best service and the highest quality products, we firmly believe that we will be the industry leader in the world.

KKR Stone Industry Company is a renowned producer of acrylic solid surface with rich business experience. According to the material, KKR Stone Industry Company's products are divided into several categories, and modified acrylic solid surface is one of them. our team produce high quality solid surface with sophisticated design and fine finish. It supports flexible cutting according to the socket holes and faucet holes. our team has great customer satisfaction and return rate. The product has passed the fire resistance test.

our team thinks highly of customer's feedback and suggestions for our bathroom countertops. Please contact.
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