KKR Solid Surface - Custom solid surface manufacturer & acrylic solid surface sheet factory over 19 years

Have white marble radiation?

by:KKR Solid Surface     2020-08-16
Any stone material has radiation, artificial marble of radiation is much higher than the natural marble radiation, most electronic devices have radiation, and radiation is higher than stone. In fact, in our environment, the nature of the radiation is everywhere, so any stone material has radiation, artificial marble of radiation is much higher than the natural marble radiation, most electronic devices have radiation, and radiation is higher than stone. For normal color bright stone radioactive higher and higher, and the white stone radiation is less, the national building materials bureau standardization research institute experts believe that, in nature, the natural radioactive is objective existence, similarly, there is also a radioactive in natural stone products, the key is to see if it exceed the standards prescribed by the state. Will find radiation in environmental monitoring information in 20 mu Gy/h ( The gray per hour) The following is not need to consider the harm. While white marble radiation only 2 mu Gy/h, can say almost no radiation. marble is limestone by sediments by outside factors such as temperature, high pressure metamorphism. Because of its radioactivity of calcite and kaolinite are generally very low, meaning by the shot put sex low metamorphism limestone and marble, radioactive also is very low. National press the radioactivity level of natural stone material, the natural stone products are divided into A, B, C three categories. A kind of product can be used in any occasion, including office buildings and family bedroom; Hardness is higher than class A class B products, cannot be used for the interior surface of the bedroom, can be used for all other inside and outside of the building facing; C put generally belong to artificial stone products, only can be used for building exteriors. Decorate rendering more than class C standard control values of natural stone material, only can be used in sea dike, piers and stele and other purposes. Radioactive little white marble, under normal household environment for a year of absorbed dose, far less than an X-ray examination, so need not worry completely. So says the solid surface sheets for sale radiation is not suitable for decoration is no reason to, according to the natural marble radiation tend to be low, does not constitute a hazard.
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